NISSAN customers will suffer for the battery will degregate more and more each year, the range will consistantly become LOWER . They got a lemon.
NISSAN has committed FRAUD!!!
Wall Street Journal says:
“Iran Smuggles New Weapons to Iraq and Afghanistan”
??? Why is America "subsidizing"
a French company when it is directly doing business with IRAN (Renault is the parent to NISSAN)
Renault sales in Iran are up 70% this year.
Our taxpayer money given to NISSAN is supporting the terrorist trying to KILL us.
??? Why did America give NISSAN a Foreign Company OVER a Billion Taxpayer Dollars to build a car using technology from the 90’s,technology that proved to be NOT profitable in the past. If they get better technology Renault will share it with Iran.
??? Did Carlos Ghosn a friend of the Obama Administration just want the FREE DOE money.
"The Energy Department's inspector general, Gregory Friedman, said his office has 64 open investigations centered on stimulus spending. They include "the directing of contracts and grants to friends and family," Ronnie Greene and Matthew Mosk